Become Installation Genius
Power to change anyone*
An invite-only apprenticeship in Excellence Installation for Next-Gen Impact Creators

Power to change everything. An invite only Apprenticeship to develop capabilities of World Leaders. The superior ATC Capability helps you rapidly develop business intelligence, discover market psychology, trade secrets even in ever-changing unpredictable times and join the league of irreplaceable outliers. It is an education designed to enable brilliant minds to create disruptive pathways and cutting-edge solutions across industries in compressed time.
Predictive Intelligence
to continuously enhance and fine-tune, your intuition to know ahead of time the potential future behaviour of a person, team or community
Advanced Family Evolution
for character refinement and enabling all members of your family to be ready, equipped and prepared for the next phase of life
Superior ATC Capability
to discern capabilities, strength, limitations and opportunities of every individual on the fly and strategize a superior life trajectory within minutes!
Breakthrough Acceleration
to bring immediate and sustained mindset shifts, behavioural changes and accelerated capability development for yourself and others
Capabilities to Evolve People
for turning glimpses of brilliance, and unnoticed polished diamonds into extraordinary layers and sowing the seeds for genius traits
Character Mapping
for assessing trust, reliability, intent and long term compatibility for people in your eco-system and eliminating threats
Super Specializations
for enhancing contexts where you have heart set for impact and turning it into excellence installations enabled for unprecedented results
Spontaneous Evolution Design
for continuously evolving all of the superior capabilities in such a way that what you do to grow your business, and grow your family, auto-pilots your installation Super Powers.
One Life. Many Legacies.

Legends don’t stop. They create one after another. While they are making an impact, another seed is sprouting... they experience stacked evolution. Installation genius is designed for people who want to create impact across ages, places, ecosystems, industries, societies and civilizations. He or she outgrows the visions of their own life and continuously evolve to equip themselves.
Intensity. Magnitude. Depth.

Its for the first time, we have the technology to create the deep rooted transitions in real time. The eye to do installations on people in a Live Installation event trains your neurology to bring subtle yet intense shifts in people back into your life contexts. And uncovering the depth of each individual's unconscious mind-map with real-time validation empowers you with heightened intuitions. You discover what it takes to shift trajectories. The Installation Genius is designed to give you visibility on how capabilities for future dreams are sculpted ahead of time, and increase the magnitude of impact you have on people. Business, Family, Organizations, every aspect of The EIT Apprenticeship is designed in pursuit of developing your Installation Genius.
Foundation of Love

A voice that makes a person have answers to questions that they wouldn't have asked yet. And for the first time, EIT Genius, enables close and personal, mentoring from the legends Antano & Harini. Bringing to you the heart to look out for all the possibilities in impossibilities, carving capabilities with the smallest leverage, and knowing the unsaid. A fine blend of charismatic fluidity, intent and impact. Designed to naturally improve the way people in your life relate with you and love you back. You will discover the deepest desires of people, fulfilling your own!
I have always wondered, 'how do they know?'.. I have worked with 2 Lakh patients in my career, but watching A&H in person, closely, one-on-one with just 20 individuals has helped me turn on a new dimensional and integrate my life experience with every person I have met to see the rarity in every person that is hidden in plain sight, even to them.
Dr HArsha Thakkar
Chief Medical Officer
Capabilities to Evolve People
Up to 60 Live Events of performance. Impact without constraint. EIT Apprenticeship is designed for brilliant minds who need the ultimate in actual experience. From predicting to shifting hundreds of micro patterns to evolving a person on multiple levels at once, it’s exceedingly power packed. At the heart of the apprenticeship are week long immersive events with up to 60 events — the most ever in EIT Education. In addition, in-depth live video and video conferences provide massive contextualisation of the installation talent back in your actual business and family.

Time for Everything
People. Business, Family, Organizations, every aspect of The EIT Apprenticeship is designed in pursuit of developing your impact in compressed time. Built around the fast-track legacy eco-system, the opportunity to be involved in the installations of hundreds of real people, allowing your own experiences to uncover every intent and vast desires within minutes. You will find yourself saving so much time. From there anything is possible.

I was a fighter pilot, who joined commercial flying recently. I have completed the IRON MAN. I train for it regularly. I am also working on my startup to keep the stories of hero's from the army alive. But one things I never miss and find time, amidst all of these various things and hectic flying schedule is to be at he A&H events, and surprisingly I find myself having more time for everything more 🙂
Ex-Fighter Pilot
People who have not had the pre-requisite Life Experience and Accelerated Learning from roles as a Parent, Professional or Entrepreneur, will already find managing time, finance and people challenging. This is one of the many reasons for having an entry criterion for Installation Genius. The people who typically pursue installation Genius are people who are already impacting and packed with things to do. And yet, they Magically have time for everything that is important. Following is a list of the minimum criterion for people to be eligible to apply for Installation Genius. The Installation Genius comes with our flagship Fast-Track Legacy product to help you get to this space if you aren't already here as well as to enable One Life. Many Legacies.
Spontaneous Evolution
The Spontaneous Evolution Designed in combination with the Fast-Track Legacy means, you will never grow old. And you are never too young. All the superior capabilities of world leaders developed in Installation Genius, is preparation for a powerfully purposeful life... being the master in different areas, and the incredible ability to get into practical depth of an unknown subject in minutes and come up with solutions that can change the course of team, family, organization, or even the society in a fraction of the time period. And the magic continues... not just you but everyone spontaneously evolves...
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Must have P&L experience as a Director, CXO or VP of a 100+ Crore enterprise or
2. Must have have been a co-owner of a startup for at least 3 years or
3. Must have have been an independent professional who has either crossed 1 Crore in annual revenue or has impacted 1000 lives, in their field of expertise or
4. Must have been involved in the strategy and operations within the Defence forces where high level of intelligence and strategic thinking is required

What I love about this Journey is what happens to me everyday, and the impact it has on my Son as well!