Do you recollect moments when you have had Spontaneously Occurring Metaphors and perhaps may not have realized what it is?

Often, people say “listen to your body”, “listen to your mind”, and “listen to your heart”, when you learn to communicate with metaphors, there’s a fascinating exchange that happens between the Conscious and the Unconscious! Layers of deep and meaningful communication!

Metaphors can also be a really cool way to solve Lifelong conflicts, internal conflicts, confusion, etc. This part of the brain is rarely tapped, but one of the most unsung heroes from where amazing creativity and cross-mapping occur!

And cross-mapping is an elegant function of human neurology that takes the learnings in a particular context and integrates it into other areas as well.

Get integrated life outcomes in your life and Launch Your Legacy now:

Launch Your Legacy in 1-2 years not 10-20 Years - Webinar by Harini Ramachandran

If your legacy matters to the world, it matters to Antano & Harini. With Excellence Installations Technology, there is now a definitive path to launching your legacy in 1-2 years instead of 10-20 years without burnout or compromise. Watch this webinar by Harini Ramachandran to learn more.


