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  • 12 Reasons Why you must Evolve your Personal Excellence

March 12, 2018

12 Reasons Why you must Evolve your Personal Excellence

Here are 12 Reasons Why You must Evolve your Personal Excellence:

1. Time Compression

This is the First and Foremost reason why you must evolve your Personal Excellence. To Achieve Time Compression. Sometimes, we all forget we are mortal. There is a definite and limited period of your existence on earth. While it might seem like a long time, it actually isn’t! Life is unpredictable. It always looks like death happens to everybody, but not to us and our near and dear ones.

The fact that you are living now and breathing itself is such an incredible gift. To just be born human is a gift. You’re not a cockroach or a tiger. You’re a human, and no matter what kind of a family you were born into, what social status or upbringing, today, there is technology to Achieve Time Compression. To Achieve in 3 years, what you could otherwise Achieve in 10 years. This happens when you make laser sharp personal adjustments in you, so that you attract the right opportunities at the right time, perform well and grow much faster than you have ever thought possible.

2. Launch your Legacy:

‘Legacy’ is a big word. But you can make it your birth right, if you Commit to Evolve your Personal Excellence today. Take any and every young achiever – all the way from Mark Zuckerberg to Elon Musk to Steve Jobs to Bill Gates. They Achieved. Because. They invested in their Personal Excellence. NO shortcuts here. Their PRIORITY was their Personal Excellence. Everything else in life just fell on their lap, because they worked on the real deal – their Personal Excellence. Capabilities. Evolution. Individual Excellence which includes the ability to inspire, and lead!

Legacy needn’t be a thing of a select few in the world. There are certain things that Only You can do in the world today. Something unique and precious you can bring to the world today. Your Legacy can happen only when you overcome your limitations, develop superior capabilities, and continue to evolve your Personal Excellence everyday.

3. Be Blessed with Ultimate Personal Guides:

There’s a famous saying from the ancient scriptures that says, ‘When the student is ready, the Teacher appears’. If you are just brooding about your challenges, being lazy and stuck and depressed, then Geniuses won’t find you. But. Even if you’re stuck, and if you have the spark of being Driven, that fire in your eyes, where you recognize fully that where you are today, is a result of choices you (or your parents/guardian) made several years ago. And that every single choice you make now, is going to design, shape your future.

So you have to go out of your way now, to Equip yourself to make the Right Decisions. And when you take life in your hands, you will be surprised how fantastic people come into your life. The right Personal Guides, at the right time. And this alone, can help you save years of life and help you
Achieve more.

Antano Solar John and Harini Ramachandran Personal Excellence Installation

4. Freedom:

In the Truest sense, if you want to break free from your own invisible cage, Personal Excellence is the key. Freedom from habits, patterns, limiting beliefs, conditioning, identity crisis, internal conflicts and moral dilemma. It is possible today to sort this out at the core inner self, including achieving closure on unfinished desires, a renegotiation with your own inner self and getting rid of the baggage from the past along with guilt or any other emotion that could be coming in the way of your accelerated growth.

There are people who live with the baggage from the past, and are oblivious to it even. But the fact is, that these are limitations. These are chains binding you to a ‘present’ that is not ‘ideally’ where you want to be. These are some of the pebbles in your shoes that when you remove, will result in Freedom. Freedom to be become capable. To make the most of this Life that you have. It’s an incredible opportunity. Do you want a second chance at life? Getting a ‘Reset’ and going on with full readiness and clarity.

5. Get a Second Chance:

Even if you have made grave mistakes in your life or haven’t been strong enough or if your life has been a plethora of unfortunate circumstances, Evolving your Personal Excellence today gives you a second shot at life. Can you believe, that one of our A&H Members is 72 years old. He was selected in for the A&H Membership because he was driven enough to launch his legacy at 72. You don’t have to wait till you are 72. You can start early. Even at 14. So that you make better choices. From this moment on. And give yourself a second chance at life, you truly deserve.

6. Redefine Personal History:

One generation ago, if people said they couldn’t achieve their dreams in life, because of the life circumstances, limited opportunities and an overburden of challenges, then it is still forgivable. But today, all you need is a mental shift first, a decision to Evolve your Personal Excellence and you’ll find ways to make it happen. No matter how challenging your past may have been, with Technology such as Excellence Installation now, you can overcome baggage from the past fast, and equip yourself to be ready for the future.

7. Open uP! Doors of Opportunities:

The one thing I’ve heard from several of my clients after uP! is that suddenly, several things are falling in place and they had new opportunities coming their way. Opportunities are illusive, sometimes. But they knock right on your door, when you are ready. When you Evolve your Personal Excellence, your eyes open up to opportunities sometimes that may even have always been there, but you never saw it, sometimes, new opportunities that you couldn’t have dreamed of comes your way, and now, you’re ready to seize it. It doesn’t have to be like a butterfly you’re trying to catch, but it’s gone. Now, you, get to seize these opportunities. Or like they say, ‘the Universe opens itself up to you’, when you evolve your Personal Excellence.

A big regret that some people have is how they have had to let go of some incredible opportunities. This happens because they were personally not ready. Even if you were to blame it on circumstances, the point is, if you had Evolved your Personal Excellence to a high point, you would have seized that opportunity or many more amazing things come soon enough. But if you choose to stay stuck, you’ll only collect regret in your life and that is vicious.

8. Accelerated Success:

Motivation comes from seeing real results, fast. It doesn’t come with will-power and determination. Human beings are designed to do more of what works! To Achieve Accelerated Success, you have to Fix your Personal Limitations. And Build New Capabilities.

There is really no point regretting later in life about how circumstances did not allow you to achieve your dreams. One generation ago, if people said that, it is still okay. But today, with so much advancement in technology especially in Personal Change, one has no excuse anymore. Excellence Installations have helped people across age groups and profiles accelerate their success by making precise, targeted changes at the core. This is one option you could explore to Accelerate your Success because this approach focuseses on the core – Personal Excellence.

9. Shape your Future Destiny:

The best thing about Life is that it is not Written on Stone. It takes a course based on who you choose to become, every moment. The choices you make every moment. Every one of these choices, have consequences. Certain choices lead you to Fantastic Consequences, especially in the long run.

In the ancient years, people read scriptures and meditated to get the Wisdom, the Insight to be able to make the Right decisions to shape their destiny. Are you making the right choices, taking the right risks and a leap of faith in the right the right things?

Excellence Installation helps you train your Intuition and develop the Wisdom of making good decisions. By helping you not let your past limit your future, and by equipping you with the capabilities patterns of thinking and mindset to be ready for the future, so that you grow with every opportunity that comes your way, and you become ready to attract great opportunities and perform well.

10. Convert your Impact to Significance:

You have the Potential for your contribution in the world to be Really Significant. Even if it is raising a child, your Impact, can become Significant to the world. It requires that you are oriented in the Larger direction of Your Legacy. To have clarity on your own path and purpose. To also be a mass influencer, by example, so your mere presence, changes other people’s lives. You don’t have to be a world-famous speaker. But your presence, can significantly impact many people positively. Targeted personal adjustments in this direction, can help you convert your Impact to Significance.

11. Whole Life Integration:

No matter what kind of experiences you have had in your life, when put in the right light and frame, they can be the biggest strength for you. And you can now build newer and newer layers of personality, capabilities so you are so complete, whole, that you can allow every part of your life to enrich every other part of your life.

You have often heard of ‘work life balance’. But think of how flawed that concept is. Take a few weights and put it on one side of a weighing balance/scale. What happens? The heavy side goes down, the light side comes up. What do you do, to ‘balance’ it? You put equal weights not the other side. What happens if you put more weight there? Then, the first side goes down. But that’s NOT how life should be!!!!!!! Work and Life aren’t meant to pull each other up and down!!!!!!

Instead, you should be working towards Whole Life Integration. This is where every role you play – as a parent/sibling/professional/leader/friend/social worker etc. contributes and enriches every other role you play. In a way that the strengths of one, flows into another and the weakness of one is corrected with the strength from another. You should be creating an ecosystem your whole life intergration. Not a see-saw balance that is always dancing on a questionable tip.

12. Personal Gratification:

There is no greater gratification, than personal evolution for a human being. Because when you evolve, people around you evolve. Your ability to Engineer Change in your environment evolves – your family, your children, your team members, and the society that you are part of. Being CAPABLE human beings, is a gift the society needs.

Even a tiny ripple you create in the mighty ocean of the world, has power. Would you rather equip yourself or just be another shrub in a jungle? When you push your boundaries, your limits, you raise the Bar of Excellence for yourself. And when you get to the Next League, and you continue to work on your Core, you push your Bar of Excellence higher and higher, and experience your entire world changing.

Even if it seems impossible, in your current circumstances, remember You have to Take Life in Your Hands, to see a Massive Shift in your Life Trajectory.

No motivation book, or self-help book, or training program or techniques or rituals or positive thinking will help you get there. But your quest for your Personal Excellence can lead you Explore Installations. Get a Real Diagnosis from people who produce unprecedented results, and find out What Changes should You be making to your Core now. What capabilities should you be developing now, in order to Get the Life you want. Request a Consultation.

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