Adjustments (A) x Time (T) = Consequences (C)

This is a Self Assessment of the Consequences in your Life, especially in the recent past.

Caution: Being overly critical or over flowery is not going to help you.

Be sure to be in the right state of mind when you are filling this report.

You are also giving feedback to your unconscious as you fill this report.

Set aside at least 30 minutes of time to go over the following most important aspects of your life.

We are in it, to Evolve your Personal Genius. So, this is a good time to reflect on the days that have gone by since your previous uP!

What have you been doing, go over it month by month in your head.

“The unit of intelligence lies in identifying differences” – Gregory Bateson

uP! Life Report (#54)

uP! Life Report

However small or big it is. Go ahead and list it. Your unconscious would love to know that you consciously recognize the good stuff! Even small things - go ahead and mention it.
Your Relationships in Personal life (spouse, children, parents, siblings etc.): Your Relationships in Professional life (colleagues, reportees, boss, influencers etc.): Emotional mastery: Your ability to shift into a High performance state of mind to do whatever you’re doing really well - at work and at home: Your ability to be more ready, bold and spontaneous: Your finances: Your health: Your happiness: Your creative pursuits:
(Eg: You received great feedback on the presentation that you did, something which you have been nervous to do before or even avoided. Eg: You expressed your opinions in a professional meeting much better and your points were well noted and appreciated by the people concerned like your boss. Eg: You were chosen for a big opportunity, something bigger than you expected and you readily took it up. Eg: You were able to help your child with something they were struggling with for a while and this time, they actually got over that trouble etc., Eg: You closed some fantastic deals and the way you performed was out of the world! Clients gave you great feedback. Eg: You sang at a public function and people appreciated a lot - you’ve never had mustered the guts to do that before etc.)

8) Following are some of the Pre-requisites to Launching your Personal Legacy.

Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 on the current status in each of the points: