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January 1, 2019

What makes Close The Deal possible?

The ONE question that many of our well-wishers have asked us is:

What Makes Close The Deal possible? How can you have ‘Installations’ going on One-on-One for so many people?

1. Eco System

ALL our Installation efforts are One-on-One. And this means to give someone time, we have to deny someone else time. But here is the deal, in the last 7 years we have mentored an army of Excellence Installation Specialists (EIS).

EIS is an apprenticeship journey for people who met one of the following criterion:

A) Must have P&L experience as a Director, CXO or VP of a 100+ Crore enterprise or

B) Must have have been a co-owner for a startup for at least 3 years or

C) Must have have been an independent professional who has either crossed 1 Crore in annual revenue or has impacted 1000 lives (one-on-one), in their field of expertise (training and coaching doesn’t count) or

D) Must have been involved in the strategy and operations within the defense forces where high level of intelligence and strategic thinking is required.

And it is this hard work and relentless dedication of these individuals that has made the CTD available, accessible and affordable.

Because now, for this specific purpose of Business Intelligence Installations and Emotional Empowerment, we have 20 or more people who can figure the exact strategic adjustments to make in you that will give you an accelerated growth, who have been personally trained and mentored by Harini & me.

2. Talented People Deserve Growth

This reason is the closest to our heart. We have seen talented people go unnoticed and mediocre people closing all the good deals. The third kind is very rare, these are extraordinary people who close extraordinary deals, they are the people who excited me. If all the Good People in the world got recognized, for their capabilities and the good that they do, the world would be such a different place. We don’t want sleazy sales people to be great at closing deals, or that charismatic addicted neighbor down the street, but we want people who have a good heart and something valuable to offer to close great deals.

And CTD PRO is designed to work best for people who have something genuine and valuable to offer. And as always, when there is a will, there is a way. And we really want this for people.

3. Free Awareness

From our past experiences, CTD sells itself, so in some ways, it’s free awareness for Installations 🙂 We have a commitment to deliver CTD for our Fast Track Members and why not extend it to those who are talented but haven’t closed great deals yet? 🙂

“Its closing that converts a lose-lose-lose to a win-win-win” – Antano Solar John

Close the Deal like a Pro is one of our ways of making ‘Installations’ a win-win-win for the millions! We hope you win-win-win with your friends, family, loved ones, business and with everyone you relate and want to relate!

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