Why EIT is Different?
They have said for ages that change is a slow process. They said you can't change the nature of a person. And we believe they are dead wrong. And not just that - we believe change can be fast, easy and fun. The reason we get the results we do when others can't is because we look at the problems very differently. In fact, we turn some of the seeming limitations into an advantage. Antano & Harini and all of us who have learned the technology from them can make changes happen within hours as shown in the videos on this blog. But the true gift is in - how A&H arrive at what change to make in the first place.
A&H Paradigm Shifts in the Approach to Life
The following set of video playlists demonstrates how A&H look at the world differently and why it is important for your life!
Life Preparation
Strategic and Systemic adjustments leading to Acceleration in Business, Wellness, Family and Legacy Outcomes
Setting free from Invisible traps
Weed out invisible traps, complete the missing arcs, and achieve the pre-requisites to launch your legacy.
Superior Capabilities Installed by A&H
Shift Perceptions. Influence across Frontiers. Become future-ready and time compress your own legacy outcomes
EIT: Personal Enhancement Technology that is Light Years Ahead
About 100 years ago no one would have believed you can travel between countries within a matter of hours. Advances in technology have led to the invention of flying vehicle. EIT is the Flying Vehicle in the space of Personal Excellence. The technology allows for an individual to improve behaviours, traits and their core nature in weeks and months instead of years and decades. The process of installation (of new behaviours, beliefs and superior capabilities) is quick and almost instantaneous. The results of such change - compound with time because of the foresight in solving the right problem and designing an accurate solution.
The Unparalleled Advantages of the A&H Experience
The following playlists highlight the ease, speed and effectiveness of Antano & Harini (Creators of EIT) and their revolutionary work in Human Excellence.
Amazing Stories of Real Breakthroughs
Solve impossible situations. Discover Solutions. Turn around industries. Happiness in family.
How Life is Richer after Excellence Installations Everyday
Discover your true calling and create happiness, enrich love, continue to impact ever-more your ecosystem and family.
A&H Magic in Action
Something shifts inside you, so deep, ushering you forever into a different league. It's real Magic!
Excellence Installation Technology in your life
You can get direct Access to A&H and Experience the full power of Excellence Installation Technology in your Life. A&H FastTrack Legacy, uP! etc. gives you access to priority consultations and there is also a range of world class and top of the league exclusive mentoring programs that are worth over a crore. Don't worry you don't have to invest so much. In fact, not even a fraction of it. We have a way for you to personally benefit from this cutting edge technology whether 14 years old or 35 or 45 or even 75 or anything between! We recommend you watch the following videos to get an idea of how A&H programs are Uniquely designed to help you achieve in 2-3 years, what may have otherwise taken 10-20.
Before-After Videos
The following videos show a real-time documentation of the acceleration and evolution in thinking, life choices and accomplishments post Excellence Installations through time
Kapil Awasti
Evolved relationships and Transformational leadership in compressed time
Preeti Baney
Breaking all barriers and Launching her own design label
Jain Joseph
Journey of discovering his Life’s Purpose after Winning Over his Limitations
SolarVoice Podcast
Featured in TOP 3 on iTunes in 'News & Noteworthy'
Highest Rated Podcast Series (Season 1)
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Coming Soon: Season 2
Preview 2 episodes here already
Accelerated Time Compression Documentaries
In these insightful documentaries below, you see how Antano & Harini prepare you the EIT way, to help you Launch your Legacy. You may well find yourself opening up to new possibilities, new frontiers with the insights you benefit from in these videos.
Sonika: Creating New Markets in a Struggling Industry | Accelerated Success with Antano & Harini
The Story of how Sonika became the future of her 10 Million$ Family Business. In this video, as Sonika shares her journey you will discover some key insights that may change your own business and life, like...
Anshul Kapasi: Manager to Director level in 6 months | Accelerated Success with Antano & Harini
Anshul Kapasi went on from being a Senior Manager to an Associate Director in a Top Financial firm in Record Time, after Excellence Installations with Antano Harini. This is a documentary of his fascinating journey to Accelerated Success in Compressed Time...
Harssh and Supriti: Mid-life Crisis to Launching a Legacy | Accelerated Success with Antano & Harini
Harssh and Supriti are two of the most relatable people you can find. Such beautifully passionate and driven people, but caught in some life challenges and finding a way out, to really bring out that Potential, win over the challenges, and Be the truly sparkling individuals they are...
EIT Articles by Antano & Harini
The EIT Epistemology. A Collection of EIT Articles Authored by the Creators of the Technology of Excellence Installation
Hand-picked A&H blog articles - most of them are 20min reads...
Making EACH move COUNT… Post-Pandemic Trajectory | Our Journey of Legacy in Compressed Time | Superior Capabilities of World Leaders | 12 Reasons Why you must Evolve your Personal Excellence | Information, Insight and Installations – What’s the Difference? | Converting Innate Potential into Real Superior Capabilities | Awakening the Artist to get the Genius in Action
Making EACH move COUNT… Post-Pandemic Trajectory | Our Journey of Legacy in Compressed Time | Superior Capabilities of World Leaders | 12 Reasons Why you must Evolve your Personal Excellence...