A&H WiSH [Online]

A&H WiSH [Online]
Instant Breakthroughs and Capability Acceleration saving you years of your life.

A&H WiSH Diagnostics for Strategic Capability Acceleration in compressed time.

Installations for innate shifts in every implementation that feels natural.

World's Finest EIT Specialists

and Reliable Results.

Evolve every Key Areas of your Life.

It’s as easy
as making a wish.

WiSH is the fastest personal growth Excellence Installation‑enabled one-on-one program to make your
wish come alive.

Inner Clarity to get what you love, even before you begin with your 1st implementation.

Tap in to immediate transformations to instantly develop any new behaviour, mindset and emotional mastery. 

Tap into multi layered
capability acceleration.

Sleep along, be awake, or just relax deeply with targetted installations — every implementation improves your unconscious patterning 

Enjoy your WiSH Acceleration experience everywhere you go with Cycles of Evolution

Upgrade and Evolve with WiSH installations
 to gift yourself the NEXT level of Excellence everytime you reach your peak!

Get the full WiSH Acceleration
experience online

Click to Read Stories of  WiSH

30% Increase in Profitability in just 30 days


Can a breakthrough in Emotional wellness directly result in multi-layered and magical business results? Yes, it did for Austin Padilla (name changed). It all began… 

Twin Hits - Relationships restored, Career jumpstart achieved 


Imagine a painful, strained mother-daughter relationship turning into a new space if love, affection and reciprocation from both sides. The joy is unparalleled. And… 

Clarity to Communicate, Confidence to Collaborate!


In just 5-6 hours of Excellence Installation implementation sessions, Kavya was able to overcome her limiting beliefs, low confidence and self-doubts and really open up, and... 

Vibe like the Very Best! Present With Poise, Impact With Influence!


The context of Presentations and public speaking can be nerve-wracking for some. Zarah Miller (name changed) overcame this in minutes and she was able to… 

Clarity To Compete, Capability To Win!


From being indecisive to having absolutely congruence, clarity and capability to filter out un-useful influence after WiSH catapulted 20yr old Abhisekh’s focus in his career.

Connect with Confidence, Dare to Dream Big!


Pranay had cold feet working with his Family Business veterans. WiSH installations paved way for bringing into over 35 crores of revenue in his current new trajectory!

Freedom from the limiting aspects of the Past is the Secret To Future Success!


WiSH helped Shalini Unwrap from her circular belief systems that helped her get Peace of mind, rejuvenating sleep, confidence and high productivity!

Choice of Emotional State creates Confidence to Communicate!


Vanesa Sharpe (Name Changed) WiSHed to have open communication with her family members without feeling constricted. She went through… 

Freedom from Paranoia sows Seeds of Success!


Stress manifested itself in scary physical and mental ways for Dominic Key (name changed). WiSH helped get a breakthrough in physical symptoms and mental freedom.

Housewife to Mother to Career Woman!


WiSH helped identify the micro-patterns that were limiting Mea Kaufman (name changed) & fixed it to make way to new beginnings 

Connecting with Empathy creates Certainty in CEO Aspirations!


From being stagnant in his career for 4 years, Yatin went through breakthroughs that personally has gotten his colleagues to look up to him and be inspired

50 years old. 50 Stories to share


Sidney Rennie (name changed) thought she’s too old for a 2nd innings in her career. With WiSH, she’s made her significant steps towards become ageless… 

Start Your FIRST Acceleration Cycle.
No counselling. Fast Results. 5 Hours Free for 1st Level.






Accelerated Time Compression Diagnostics



Unconscious Patterning Implementation

10 Hours

40 Hours

Deep Trance Inductions



High Performance Coaching



Review & Acceleration for Next Outcome

Not Included


Use Extra Implementation Hours for Next Outcome

Requires Additional ATC Diagnostics $600


Extra Implementation Hours

$265 per  hour

$265 per hour

Milestone Report

1 Report Included

Multiple Included


30 Days

1 Year

Start your WiSH Trial

Start your evolution with one Trial that can change your life.

In case you
missed anything. 

What is A&H WiSH [Online]?

A&H WiSH [Online] is a One-on-One Excellence Installation program to help you evolve your capabilities to achieve instant breakthrough in some key areas of your life

Can I WiSH for Multiple Things?

Yes, you can! We can plan upto 5 Wishes and work on one at a time. 
You can either buy multiple One Wish package or an A&H WiSH Membership.

How Quickly will I see Results?

Right after Diagnostics, Clients report increased clarity and several breakthroughs. 
Additionally, after every implementation session, you will feel the innate shift in the areas of focus during the implementation.

What is an A&H WiSH Acceleration Report?

The A&H WiSH Acceleration Report shows your Accelerated Journey, clearly highlighting the vision, the milestones and the progress. 
Every WiSH Outcome has small, incremental measurable milestones. The report is validation of these milestones being achieved based on your own experience in various aspects of your life. And enables you to with confidence pursue certain outcomes coming from the awareness of your newer capabilities. 

What does it cost?

ATC Diagnostics -  $ 600
Implementation:     $ 265 per Hour 

Get 5 Hours free in your First Wish. Check Pricing Above.

What if I need more that 10 WiSH Hours for a Single Wish?

100% of A&H WiSH customers have reported having achieved their outcomes. Incase of an exception, we can give you upto 2 addition implementation hours to make it work. 

Will there be Advice, Counselling and Lectures?


With Excellence Installations the changes we make are innate, that bring several other changes naturally, leading to creation of new Life Experiences and Capability Development necessary for Personal Evolution. 

Is Excellence Installation effective online?


Is A&H WiSH [Online] the same as Excellence Installation?

WiSH Acceleration is a personal evolution program to enable certain things in your life immediately.
Excellence Installations on the other hand, is the Technology that we use across all our services to help them accelerate and time compress personal evolution.
Where one is the name of our service, another is how we bring about these changes for people. 

Immediate, Convenient, 
Iterative Evolution Cycles
End to End results within 15 Hours spread over 29 Days

Get Onboarded
with a 50K Registration 
And get started with resources and EIT Foundation to maximise the A&H WiSH Experience.

Get help buying
Have a question? Call a
Specialist or message online. 
Call 1800 3000 2909
