Mental Health, Physical Wellness and Psychosomatic Response. 

We make structured adjustments in the unconscious patterns that have produced breakthroughs in  challenging health situations*

Psychosomatic disorder is a psychological condition that leads to physical symptoms, often without any medical explanation. It can affect almost any part of the body. 

Mental Health, Physical Wellness and Psychosomatic Response. 
We make structured adjustments in the unconscious patterns that have produced breakthroughs in  challenging health situations*

Psychosomatic disorder is a psychological condition that leads to physical symptoms, often without any medical explanation. It can affect almost any part of the body. 

Unconscious Patterns and Psychosomatic Health:

Around the world, some people have spontaneous remission of cancer and live free of it for the rest of their lives, and it happens often as a surprise. Some people develop plasticity to recover from improbable physical conditions. Could there be a connection between what happens unconsciously in the thinking, in the mind and health? 

We are not medical doctors, yet in the past we have helped people across a broad range of conditions – from accelerated physical recovery from accidents to improving eyesight all the way to overcoming mental health challenges such as loneliness and depression. While thousands of others have been able to overcome allergies, correct menstrual irregularities, skin conditions, pain and conceive even when several other methods have failed for them.**

And from this experience we believe that there is a strong connection between the unconscious patterns and wellness. These videos below demonstrate how life-long health challenges have been solved within minutes by taking a Systemic Personal Evolution approach.

Integrated Results:

Some of the most notable breakthroughs in health our clients have achieved in their Physical health are: accelerated rehabilitation and recovery after paralysis, improved eyesight (reduction in eye power) etc. 


In Psychosomatic conditions, our clients have achieved breakthroughs in the following:

1.Conceiving naturally, in some cases after failed IVFs. 

2.Overcoming Years of Undiagnosed Pain 

3.Relief from migraine 




7.Gut health Issues

And in Mental health - overcoming chronic stress, depressive thoughts and feelings, changing life situations of loneliness, dealing with social anxieties of children with autism, significant improvement in the degree of challenges in learning for children with certain difficulties, etc.

Rida Gets Over 7-Year old

Back Pain in 1 Session

Rida is a young lady with many dreams and ambitions. One of the things coming in the way of her life was her intense back pain. She was not able to sleep on her back, exercise, even do any physical activity that needs back support and her progress in life was stalled. When she found no results even after changing 10-15 doctors she came to us. After working on her back pain within 24 hours the pain was completely gone! This is the magical story in her own words with added commentary on Rida's experience by Harini herself.

BEFORE-AFTER: Excruciating pain and Strained Relationships to a Deeply Fulfilling Life

Abhilasha was suffering from severe cervical pain for 11 years. She tried to solve it many times but the condition remained unresolved and become worse over the years. It restricted her quality of life to the extent that she couldn't carry her own baby. In addition to that, the temperament issues that both Abhilasha and Gaurav (her husband) had, was coming in the way of strengthening their relationship. Being short tempered also affected other relationships in her life.

 She overcame the pain that she had for 11 years within just 6 days at uP!

Relief from Asthma within Minutes for Jain Joseph - Magic in Action 

There is a world of difference in only knowing how an Asthma attack occurs or “how does asthma work” and completely getting over it. Because you may Google “5 Natural Ways to Reduce Asthma Issues” or “Top 3 Treatments for Asthma that are not medication” but when an Asthma attack begins and you start experiencing shortness of breath or heavy breathlessness, all the awareness jumps right out of the window. Therapy can help you adjust better to when an asthma attack occurs, identify the early warning signs of an asthma attack, but not completely cure the ‘underlying condition’ causing Asthma. Without delving deeper into what happens during an asthma attack or how does asthma work.

Anupreksha conceived within 1 week with Excellence Installations

We can't believe a year has passed already since Anupreksha became a first-time mother. It reminds us of the timeless than a year and a half ago when Anupreksha came to us with hope in her eyes and completely candid about her difficulty in conceiving. Here she is today, a satisfied proud mother, happy wife, a doting elder sister, and a thriving businesswoman taking forward her father's legacy and bringing in new dimensions. Anupreksha and Siddhesh came to us because they recognized that they needed something more than weekly tests and regular medication to conceive. They had to work on their careers, limiting emotions, unconscious priorities, internal conflicts and strengthen their relationship, allowing room for more emotional intimacy. Several patterns became evident and we knew in their heart that they can help Anupreksha create an ecosystem internally and externally that would naturally help her conceive and have a healthy baby.

How Jyoti Got Over Decade-old Migraine

in 1 Hour 

Jyoti had tried consulting several doctors and therapists but she wasn’t able to get over her migraines. Every time she got a migraine attack, at least 3-4 days would be on-stay each time. Apart from impacting her health very negatively and causing a lot of emotional turmoil, this would severely cost her productivity at work and her professional growth as well. Within one session, she got over her migraine headaches forever. After the session she felt like she just let go of a baggage she had been carrying for years. Do you have insomnia, body aches or migraines that come in the way of your professional and personal growth and ultimately in the way of Launching your legacy? What freedom will you feel when you get these pebbles out of your shoes forever?

Abha Gets Over Sleep Deprivation & Insomnia in 20 Minutes!

Because of emotional turmoil and stress, Abha couldn’t sleep properly. So she started succumbing to sleeping pills. A 20-minute session with Antano did the magic for her! As human beings, we require at least 6-8 hours of sound sleep to be able to function optimally. But as for people who are not able to sleep properly at night, it costs them personally and professionally. It also leads to a series of health challenges like migraines and body aches. Abha was suffering from Insomnia for many years. She was also suffering from severe migraines. We worked with her for 20 minutes and its been 2 years and she has been sleeping properly ever since. She no longer depends on pills and migraines have vanished!

Ten plus years of  Migraine reduced drastically for Shrikant Valathur

I have been told that I am in the third stage of migraine and the next stage is stroke. I suffered from severe migraine attacks almost everyday. I shuttered myself in dark rooms. For the first time in so many years, after the installations work, the frequency and the intensity has reduced drastically. I rarely get it, maybe once in two weeks and the pain is not intense. I have also stopped taking migraine medicines. I am able to continue with my work and life. My search for a solution has stopped after ten plus years and I am very thankful.

Nelakuduru Penchala Prasad's 6 years of pain got over in a Day!

Years of pain, years of waiting at hospitals was at my lowest no matter what I did my pain didn't go away, it didn't stop. I'd given up! Pain in my ankle, neck, back and knees for 6 years of life! Until I met a team member from A&H Psychosomatic Health. They spent a day with me worked on my pain, you may not believe what I'm about to say, but the pain is completely gone. When medicines didn't help, doctor's didn't see anything wrong in the scans I felt helpless, lost and very hurt and accepted that pain as part of my life. It's really unbelievable I am able to sleep without any pain. It's like magic. Now I feel good, super energetic, free, painless and the possibilities of what's more to come excites me and I'm ready. Thank you to the entire team!

Disclaimer: We are NOT medical doctors. Whenever we accept a client for a health related outcome, it has always been under medical supervision by qualified medical doctors of the individual's choice. And most of the other results presented here are unpromised outcomes, that have come complimenting our larger work with the individual for achieving holistic growth and systemic personal evolution with Excellence Installation Technology.

"The part can never be well unless the whole is well"


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