Close The Deal Like a Pro...
A High-Impact and Strategical Personal Evolution Program which equips you with the Artistry and Superior Capabilities in closing the most significant deal (s) of your life
People are Born Buyers: Then Why is it sometimes so hard to Close Important Deals!
We like to close deals that we feel are good for us. Be it finding a "Life-Partner", "Hiring Talent" or even "Buying Stuff". And Why wouldn't we? Are we dumb and stupid that someone needs to follow up? Most of naturally go after what we want.
Then why is it that even when there is a Win-Win opportunity, so many people struggle to Close Deals, to find love and to build business relationships?
The reason people struggle to close is simple! They are coming in their own way of closing and it is because of social conditioning. This coming in the way happens so unconsciously that most people will kill the deal that must have already closed and then work extra hard to make it work.
By the way: If you have ever seen children go to sleep. Some children just sleep so easily. And other children have so much difficulty. Science says, children are born sleepers, they have a natural clock, it's the parents who get in the way because they don't have the sensory acuity to notice the natural sleep triggers of a child.
Doing Right Actions at the Right Time, to make the Right "Unconscious -Impact".
It is not so much about what you say, as much as it is about what you do. The rate and speed at which you blink, the way you smile, how long you smile, the micro expressions on your face, do you eyes move up to the left or move up to the right when you think, these are some of the 380 cues that people unconsciously observe and make judgement about you and what you say, in less than 10th of a second.
Keep in mind: you cannot change these signals by learning some tricks to give a different vibe. Because it's just not possible to micro-manage 380 micro expressions.
If you can add another layer of excellence to your vibe, everything you desire from people, that is a win-win will happen easily and naturally, be it in finding love, repairing existing relationships, closing that million-dollar deal, getting that strategic partnership or (even finding the right position in your job).
Some people don't see opportunities because Closing Deals is a Creative Process
A lot of people think that painting and music is creativity, but creativity is not painting or music. Creativity is what you do in music and painting and in business, when constraints are put on you. Creativity is a basic ingredient for entrepreneurship as well as fulfilled living.
The distinctive rare Inner Core for Great Deals:
Be Natural. Be Spontaneous. Be Creative!
Only if that was so easy :) People often chase techniques or tricks that will help them get better results. But what is required is polishing the Inner Core.
Some people are natural, some people are spontaneous and some people are creative. But what is required to find and close great deals is a personality that is a RARE combination of all three. I remember helping a child make a different decision about her life as tears flowed through her eyes. When I think back on that experience, I am grateful I was trustable, creative and spontaneous at the same time.
Not knowing what is not working is the most commonly made mistake - not only in business deals but also on personal relationships, people don't realize that they are losing out unless it's too late and evident.
The better sensory acuity you have to see, hear and feel the ongoing unconscious response of the other person, the more freedom you will develop to be spontaneous and experiment with you own behaviour and language. The more such choices you create, the more natural you become and the more natural you become, the more mind space you will free to focus on the deeper aspects of the person you are dealing with.
The 3 Core Capabilities you got to Develop
Every legend has this. Every Inventor whose work has been appreciated has this. Because closing important deals is what converts invention into a revolution. A discovery into an impactful and profitable business. If Google did not close that unlikely deal with an Indian investor 15 years ago, where would the world be...
1. Be Natural.
Become the person for whom things happen naturally and easily. Are you a natural or trying to be natural?
2. Be Spontaneous.
Saying the right thing at the right time is worth more than a millions attempts later.
3. Be Creative!
90% of situations that look like a lose-lose has the potential to turn into a win-win. Do you see it?
Do Everyone (including Yourself) a Favor
Can My Skills that helped create several Medical Miracles, become useful in helping you evolve Your Core Nature, bio-chemically...
I was 25 when I got the request from young IIT graduate who had become paralyzed neck down after a car crash in America. His email narrates that doctors have said, there is no possibility for him to recover those movements. But this man had heard a story from his friend of how a young man in India was turning around impossible situations.
Not only did I help this man get back movements and help him get his full time job and fly back to America: I personally evolved to do things I couldn't do before. With the personal mentoring of Dr. John Grinder, the co-creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Harini and I set forth to produces many such dramatic results with "Excellence Installation Technology". And one day when I was working with a passionate young genius, I realized the only thing she lacked was the way to close important deals and given our skills described above, it was a cakewalk to develop those capabilities for her.
What if, extraordinary people closed Extraordinary Deals...
I have seen talented people go unnoticed and mediocre people closing all the good deals. The third kind is very rare, these are extraordinary people who close extraordinary deals, they are the people who excited me,
If all the Good People in the world got recognized, for their capabilities and the good that they do, the world would be such a different place. We don't want sleazy sales people to be great at closing deals, or that charismatic addicted neighbour down the street, but we want people who have a good heart and something valuable to offer to close great deals.
This is Why We Decided to bring Excellence Installation
to enable
Visionaries: Close The Deal
The capabilities you need to develop and the limitations you may have to overcome are going to be unique to you. And Excellence Installation is all about that One-to-One personal impact in your innate nature.
This is why we MEET you one-on-one. Do Installation Procedures, one-on-one, on you for hours together to impact your conscious and the unconscious strategically, even before we meet you in a group setting for 2 Full Days. You don't need to take notes, remember to do X steps, you walk in as yourself and come out as a new person with new capabilities ingrained in you.
- 1One to One Diagnosis: You will meet an Excellence Installation Specialist who has turned around several impossible situations in minutes. This person will identify the invisible speed-breaker for you to close deals. And will give you a list of limitations to fix and capabilities to develop.
- 2One to One Installation: You will meet a specialist who is trained on highly skilled procedures to fix the limitations and develop the capabilities that we identified in the previous step.
- 32 Day Excellence Installations: Antano & Harini the creators of Excellence Installation Technology will bring to you techniques that they have used with Billion Dollar Business Owners, Celebrities and Award Winning International Personalities to help you the right Close Deals and Evolve your Creativity, Spontaneity and Charisma.
- 4One to One Review After a Month: Step 1 & 2 again after a month to multiply your ability to spontaneously generate new useful behaviour and to close on any gaps from your experience in the field after the program.

What People Are Saying About our Product

“CTD is too good that I am willing to spread it to the world.”
Close the Deal with Antano has really helped me increase my sales and income. Post CTD I feel at ease and confident while closing deals. This is a new feel in me altogether! It’s allowing me to confidently close deals over phone calls and most importantly I am able know how to put across the payment related matters. Being able to close deals over phone calls and communicate the charges myself is saving a lot of my time. In a word, I am empowered. CTD is too good that I am willing to spread it to the world. Thanks to Antano and Harini for Excellence Installations. I am totally empowered.
Blossom Kochhar
- Pioneer of Aromatherapy and Founder of Aroma Magic
"I doubled my business revenue and tripled my sales..."
"As soon as I came back from the Program, I doubled my business revenue and tripled my sales. Not only that, I was able to do all of this without any stress. In terms of personal relationships, a lot of relationships which I thought were beyond repair, I managed to fix them within a few minutes."
Nanda Kishore
- Director, Cir-Q-Tec

“... this will give us 10x growth..."
After Antano & Harini’s interventions, the changes that we made in the past 1 year in the systems & processes of the organisation is more than what we did in the past 6 years! For the first time, we realised that we were doing certain things like a status quo and we never questioned them. But when we started questioning them, we realised that we weren’t ready to deliver the numbers and volumes we wanted to deliver. So we made very significant changes in the set of mechanisms and systems that will enable our organisation to go to a different scale altogether. And these systems can be upscaled & upgraded without any major interventions and will give us 10x growth.
Deepak Bajaj
- Founder, Multipliers & Network Marketing Coach
High-impact Excellence Installation program to Evolve your Inner Core and Close the Deal, like a Pro!
Why you Need to Close Deals like a Pro?
1. The Right Unconscious Mindset Shift that you can create in the other person is the only way to convert any Lose-Lose situation into a Win-Win situation in Business, Love, Family and Career.
2. Getting the Right people in your Team is more than a financial deal, every inventor needs to bring in great talent with their charisma
3, Closing the Right Partnership is the easiest way to expand Market Reach and increase the Profitability of any business.

Date and Venue:
11th & 12th March 2019
St. Andrew's Auditorium,

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

This is what People say...

“My Communication has become very TARGETED"
Antano & Harini help Parents bring the best out of their children, as well as iron out relationship challenges in a way that they can now Get what they want, smoothly. This requires very specific Excellence Installations for mindset changes, belief changes as well as Capability Installations for getting profoundly different results. “Antano & Harini opened my eyes to some very fine fundamentals of human communication that everyone must know. I have been talking to my son, and I thought I communicated what I want, but after the program I discovered the gap was in my style of communication. I started listening, understanding and speaking to him in a way that makes him understand my intentions and he started responding so much better. And this spread into my office as well. I have a different way of communication with different people in my team, I just know what will click with whom”
Rajesh Abhichandani
- Founder Coach4Soch
“My Intuition is getting better Everyday..."
“I just can’t believe that I know so much. Ever since the experience with Antano & Harini, I am able to predict so much better what is going to work and what wouldn’t. And the best part my intuition about the decisions I make is getting better every day”
neelima Chakra
- Assistant Director, Ernst & Young

About the Author
Antano and Harini are the creators of the Excellence Installation Technology that has changed the lives of thousands of people across the world, including the ones that were told that there was no hope.
Their unique ability to find the missing piece in each person, and their ability to ‘install’ new behaviours in their unconscious patterning while creating super-capabilities necessary for that individual, has made them the go-to people for legends like A.R. Rahman, National Athletes, Billion Dollar Business Owners, Actors, Doctors, Lawyers, TOP Executives from fortune 500 and more.
Their passion is in helping driven individuals Launch Their Legacy in compressed time. Together, they bring the power of the Excellence Installation technology to turn around impossible situations in health to personal development for business growth!
What if you don't have the Money?
Ajay came with a business that was making 120 Crores to Antano & Harini and within a year he made his business make 240 Crores. While this is an easy investment for Entrepreneurs of that league, what gets a person like Rajesh who lost his job to come to Antano & Harini is his sheer motivation from within to evolve and make a name for himself.
99% of our customers don't have this problem but for the 1% who do, we suggest them to take a loan. Simply because this is the BEST investment in their life that will keep giving returns on returns. You, and your ability to connect, influence and make deals work is priceless. And there is no other event like this in the world. If you don't have money, then that is THE reason for you to COMMIT to this program immediately.
What if, you don't believe you can change in 2 Days?
I agree with you people can't change their core even if they try very hard, unless... (Watch this Video)
What if, you live in another city?
If you have to fly to Mumbai to collect an Award Cheque for 1 Million Dollar that you can deposit after a year, would you not take the action immediately, before the Award is given to someone else? This program is better than a Million Dollar. There are things you can't buy with money that you can with your personal presence and influence. Besides, a lot of our customers have gotten more than a Million Dollar increase, financially as well.
What if, you think it's someone else's job to Influence?
What about getting that someone else on board. What about Family? What about your Children? Learning to Influence Effectively is not just about closing business deals. And if you are a startup that is innovating something new, you better be the one Closing the Deal, even Steve Jobs got on the Stage to Promote iPhone. And Bill Gates flew all across the country to make a deal with IBM. What stops you?
The REAL COST of not developing closing skills
Here is a comparison between people who are natural, effective and consistent in closing important deals and those who are yet to master this art.
Pro with Ease
Not a Pro
Close the "Deal like a Pro"
(We have fixed capacity for the event)

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I talk to someone?
Is the One-on-One venue different from the Event venue?
Is there a Bulk-Booking Discount?
Can I get a Premium Seating?
What if I can't make it on those dates?
Can I bring with Friends & Family with me
Copyright - Antano & Harini LLP.