Your Personalised Installation Request Form
Your Personalised Installation Request Form (#9)
What are the most Challenging areas in your business right now?
Customer support
Value and perception
Customer-product fit
Funds and Finance
Accounts and Compliance
Social media
Brand positioning
All of the above
If you could start over, what are the TOP 3 Changes you would make? Or 3 Mistakes you would totally avoid?
Where are you as an entrepreneur in your mind space?
Under heavy pressure
Comfortable and growing normally
Comfort zone, not pushing to next level
Innovating, growing fast
Hustle and burned out
Frustrated and tired
Focussed, but other aspects of life (some aspect of family & relationship or health) is rocky
Looking for high quality mentorship to recognise opportunities, make course corrections and grow steadily and fast
Low confidence
Superb Direction already - would love to Accelerate, Expand, Multiply 10x or 100x in as less time as possible
If you could ANY 3 Changes in you, that you think will Directly impact your business, what are 3 Changes or Capabilities or Installations you will ask for now?
How committed and willing are you (on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest) to put in what it takes, including cycles of targeted personal evolution as an entrepreneur, to make it work BIG and Fast enough?!
If there is a Definitive way, that can get you IMMEDIATE breakthroughs such that the trajectory of your business changes dramatically for the better within the next 3 months, do you want to take it?
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