Choice Of Emotional State Creates Confidence To Communicate!

Vanesa Sharpe (Name Change) WiSHed to have open communication with her family members without feeling constricted.

The very first session with the WiSH ATC Specialist resulted in an instant shift of mindset, where she realised that her unconsciously expecting the worst, impacted the quality of her relationships. Aided with this Inner Clarity and Targeted Installations,  She is liberated herself from the shackles of all past baggage, be it guilt, regret or bad memories. Equipped with on-demand state choice, she could now communicate with her family resourcefully, changing her response to the ongoing situations, and noticing a significant difference in her family members’ response and behaviour towards her.

Today, She recognises that she is capable of being in control of her relationships. She has the mind-space to think about growing in her career and is progressing in that trajectory. The best part of all these is her targeted installations, done within just a few hours, were designed looking at her trajectory 10 -15 years into the future. This trajectory  takes into account how important it is for her to start focusing on her career even before she could realize it.
