Freedom from the limiting aspects of the Past is the Secret To Future Success!
Shalini Srivatsava with decades of HR experience WiSH to create a niche in Leadership Coaching. She had a lingering weakness and pain in the knee from a bike accident decades ago. Nagging self-doubt prevented her from seeing opportunities available to her.
Little did She know that her past experiences had created a set of subconscious belief systems, where she started having low perceived value of self. She would doubt her ability, and that was a big roadblock in her career. All these were creating a huge emotional turmoil and had an adverse impact on her sleep patterns.
During the ATC Consultation, the Excellence Installation Specialist was able to bring the consequences of all these to her attention and its impact on various aspects of her life, be it health, family, business.With targeted installations by a World Class specialist, she is now able to handle negative situations with ease and is rebuilding her relationships.
She is now getting 7-8 hours of rejuvenating, high-quality sleep and her knee pain has also reduced. She feels innately happy, is a lot more energetic throughout the day and very productive at work. She now feels a huge shift in her confidence and is looking forward to finding opportunities to rapidly grow her business.